Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | document OCR: is usually A macroadenoma that secretes prolact f more associated with a serum prolactin level denoma is than 200ng/ml (4,000mu/1). The macro has a visualised with CT or MRI. If the patier vel of less macroadenoma and a serum prolactin n should than 200ng/ml (4,000mu/1), considerati ctioning be given to the possibility that a non fu pituitary adenoma is present; here, the ation of hyperprolactinaemia results from depri tion. cull X-ray some lactotrophs of dopaminergic inhil by the Enlargement of the pituitary fossa on a may represent the expansion of the foss sed to macroadenoma, but care should be exe tion (a exclude the possibility of cisternal hern partially empty fossa) as a cause for the ing useful enlargement. CT and MRI scans are pro